The Vanishing Village by R. S. Thomas is a purpose-based poem. The poet wants the readers to realize how the craze for the urban way of life is destroying villages all over the world. People are leaving villages and settling in cities. The village presented in this poem is an example of many across the globe. The way life is vanishing from this village is alarming. The poem begins with a bleak description of a deserted village. However, it ends with a note of optimism. This article, The Vanishing Village by R. S. Thomas – Summary Analysis Questions, elaborates on the concerns of the poet. He is worried about the vanishing villages. This article will be of great help to the students of English literature. It will clarify and strengthen their approach to this poem. It will be equally beneficial for the instructors of the subject.
A Brief Biography of R. S. Thomas
Born on March 29, 1913, in Cardiff, R. S. Thomas (Ronald Stuart Thomas) was a prolific and popular poet and priest of Wales. His father was an employee in the merchant navy. Therefore, Thomas lived in port towns during his childhood. Owing to the nature of his father’s job, Thomas received a delayed and sporadic education. His mother advised him to study for the Anglican priesthood and he complied. He served the church for several years. Thomas developed an inclination for poetry during his school days. But he developed a desire for being recognized as a poet after he met Mildred E. Eldridge. She was a famous painter who later became his wife. His poetry reflects the influence of Edward Thomas and W. B. Yeats. He wrote about the rural life that he witnessed in port towns. Thomas breathed his last on September 25, 2000, at the age of 87.
Major Themes in R. S. Thomas’s Poetry
Rural Welsh life remained a constant theme of Thomas’s poetry. In this respect, some critics compare his works with those of Robert Frost, an American poet. But there is a visible difference between rural characters as presented by Frost and Thomas. Frost’s characters are more philosophic while Thomas’s are simple and down to earth. Thoms’s poetic vision is preoccupied with his homeland, Christianity, nature, and the simplicity of diction. He was against modernization and industrialization. Thomas believed it was ruining the natural beauty of the country. Modernization reflected in industrialization and the promotion of science was the cause of man’s distance from nature and spirituality. It was also a reason for man’s lack of affinity with religion. He expresses his concern for the survival of rural life in the poem under discussion, The Vanishing Village.
Text of the Poem The Vanishing Village by R. S. Thomas

Summary of the Poem The Vanishing Village by R. S. Thomas
The Vanishing Village by R. S. Thomas is an interesting poem on an important issue of modern life. It is a sort of requiem composed to mourn the end of rural life. The poet expresses his grief at the sight of a deserted village. He decries the modern trend of quitting village life for urban life. He is a vehement supporter of Plato’s idea that human civilization revolves around the axis of villages. R. S. Thomas regrets the lack of activity in the village. However, he ends the poem optimistically. He considers the only girl in the village a sign of hope that life and activity will return to this village one day.
A Dismal Picture of the Village
The Vanishing Village begins with a dismal picture of a village. The inhabitants of this village have abandoned it and migrated to the cities. The mood of the poet is sorrowful and nostalgic. He feels sorry for this village with few houses and barely any street. The only road present in this village ends at the top of a mound. Large-scale erosion has eaten away the greenery of the village. The only inn and a shop in this vanishing village lack the boisterous activity one generally finds at such places. One does not find even street animals such as a dog killing fleas from his body. It is the result of the gradual migration of villagers to cities that the signs of life are vanishing from this village. R. S. Thomas is sad at this miserable sight.
A Ray of Hope
Suddenly, the poet sees a small girl who moves from one door to the other in this desolate village. The sight pleases the poet. He takes it as a silver lining in the cloud. This little girl ignites a ray of hope in the heart of the poet. He begins to believe optimistically that life in this village is not over yet. As far as a rural activity with all its cultural aspects is concerned, that too will revive itself someday. He considers this girl a sign of this revival.
Poet’s Advocacy of Plato’s Idea
The Vanishing Village ends with R. S. Thomas endorsing Plato’s idea about village life. The great philosopher professed the importance of villages for human civilization. With all its cultural and social activities, rural life is the most important ingredient of a civilization. R. S. Thomas refers to this concept of Palto to strengthen his argument in favour of rural life. He wants all of us to recognize its significance and preserve it for future generations.
Important Questions
Q1: What is the theme of the poem The Vanishing Village by RS Thomas?
Q2: What is the significance of villages for a civilization?
The Vanishing Village by R. S. Thomas deals with one of the chief concerns of today. Modernity has so affected man of this age that he is running away from his origin. This age is witnessing a widespread aversion to village life. This disinclination has resulted in a disconcerting migration of villagers to cities. The charisma of urbanization has blurred human vision. Man of this age is breaking with the root of his civilization. R. S. Thomas expresses anguish at this approach. He condemns this tendency of giving up rural life for the dubious attractions of city life.
The Theme of the Poem
The diction and depiction of the poem are so lucid that one gets to its theme immediately. The poet, in this poem, lays stress on the need for the preservation of rural life. Through the depiction of an uninhabited village, the poet presents the ruination caused by migration. If villagers go on leaving villages, the natural beauty of the rural landscape will fade away. Also, man will lose contact with nature and civilization. Doubtlessly, urban life has its attractions. But one should not sacrifice rural life for it. Optimism is another theme of the poem. Even though life and activity in the village are breathing their last, the poet is hopeful about their revival. This revival is necessary for the survival of villages, and the poet believes this will happen.
Significance of Rural Life
To assert the significance of rural life, R. S. Thomas refers to Plato’s idea. Plato believed that man’s civilization owes to villages for its grandeur. Villages are the centres of cultural activity. This cultural activity plays an important role in shaping civilization. Life in a village is full of peace and calm. There is less hustle and bustle as compared to cities. People have enough time to socialize. This socialization strengthens the concept of society. Therefore, rural life is significant for the development of a sense of society. It also plays an important role in preserving values necessary for the projection and promotion of civilization.
The Vanishing Village by R. S. Thomas inspires the reader for two reasons. First, the presentation of the poet is inspiring and impressive. Second, R. S. Thomas’s concerns are genuine. He makes his reader realize his part in making human civilization strong.
Beautiful and full of knowledge
Fantastic, beautiful ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Keep it up sir
Thank you very much for your encouraging remarks.
Its a wonderful read Mr. Kashif, I can assure that your students are blessed. The flow of writing is imressive which is most of the time missing in the non-native writers. You must have good schooling. Besides that, the sequence of reseting the idea is also remarkable. I have bookmarked your website and cited it many a time in the classroom.
Its a wonderful read Mr. Kashif, I can assure that your students are blessed. The flow of writing is imressive which is most of the time missing in the non-native writers. You must have good schooling. Besides that, the sequence of presenting the idea is also remarkable. I have bookmarked your website and cited it many a time in the classroom.
Thank you very much for your encouraging remarks.
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